Thank you for using Tarot Library.

Tarot Library is a place where I use to gather my notes on studying Tarot. This blog is still in development at the moment, so you may not find it like an actual library just yet. My plan for 2015 is to continue to update this blog with my notes, and hopefully my notes will also help other Tarot students, especially to those who are self-studying.

In the ASK A QUESTION page, you can also feel free to leave any comment or questions, even if I cannot answer, I'm sure some other people who dropped by could.

If you would like to contact me directly, please email me at:

Last but not least, if there's any request on topics, you are also very welcome to drop me a line. I'll try accommodate as much as I can. I have a 16 months old daughter, so all priorities go to her first ;)

Thank you

Bernadette V.I.V.